Geoscience & Society Summit: Stockholm, Sweden (March 18-21, 2019)

The Geoscience & Society Summit, hosted by the American Geophysical Union, Geology in the Public Interest, and the Bolin Centre for Climate Research at Stockholm University, will be held from March 18 to 21, 2019, in Stockholm, Sweden. This event will serve as an international platform for scientists and other stakeholders to discuss local and global challenges related to natural resource sustainability and propose strategies that strengthen collaborations within the geoscience community. At this meeting, participants will attend five general workshops that: 1) define the problem; 2) identify approaches to enhance interdisciplinary coordination and engagement; 3) ensure solution-oriented actions to overcome challenges; 4) facilitate group dialogue to discuss challenges and summarize recommended actions; and 5) propose specific actions to enhance interdisciplinary collaborations and meet sustainability goals. Each workshop will incorporate four key themes of concurrent sub-workshops: 1) energy and minerals sustainability; 2) climate change and ocean- and habitat-health; 3) water and agricultural production sustainability; and 4) environmental hazards, human health, and social justice. 

For more information about this meeting, please visit the event website for the conference registration and agenda.