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GEO Health Community of Practice Telecon (March 2024)

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Health Community of Practice is pleased to host the next community teleconference on Tuesday, March 19 from 8:30-10:00AM EDT (GMT-4). During this telecon, Claire Quiner (RTI International) will share research on using EO data to predict potential niche and drivers for outbreak occurrence of vaccinia virus.  Next, Karen Gruszynski (Lincoln Memorial Univ.) will discuss the need for remote sensing in relationship to animal pathogens and health.  Then, the Infectious Disease Work Group leads (Tatiana Loboda, Univ. of Maryland College Park and Antar Jutla, Univ. of Florida) and Karen Gruszynski will moderate the group discussion on using EO data to examine infectious disease risks pertaining to animal/wildlife health.