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GEO Health Community of Practice Telecon (July 2021)

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Health Community of Practice is pleased to host the next community teleconference on Tuesday, July 20th from 8:30AM-10AM EDT (GMT-4). During this meeting, Cascade Tuholske (Center for International Earth Science Information Network; Columbia University’s Earth Institute) will provide an overview of analysis of Global High Resolution Daily Urban Extreme Heat Exposure (UEH-Daily), a new daily urban extreme heat dataset that maps urban population extreme heat exposure trajectories for more than 13,000 settlements worldwide from 1983-2016. Then, the Heat Small Work Group will provide an update on recent events, including the First WMO COVID-19 Task Team Roundtable: Compound Climate Hazards and COVID-19, and moderate the group discussion on heat-related topics.